The Portuguese Film and Audiovisual Institute (ICA) is the national film agency that, through project funding, provides support for the development of the Portuguese film and audiovisual industry.

ICA manages the new film and TV production cash rebate funded by a Fund for Tourism and Cinema which offers now one of the most attractive incentive schemes in Europe:

  • Film, TV and VOD production – national and foreign (line/services), official and de facto co-productions;
  • Minimum expenditure in Portugal: € 500.000 (fiction and animation) / € 250.000 (documentaries and post-production);
  • Between 25% and 30% of eligible expenditure, depending on a Cultural Test and the characteristics of the project. Weighting factors: high economic impact in Portugal, expenses made in low density territories, hiring actors/technicians with disabilities;
  • “First come first served” basis;
  • Upfront payments in instalments.

In addition to this incentive, the Centro Portugal Film Commission has a set of exclusive supports for the Centro Region.

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